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Email Security Solutions

Email security solutions have become critical in business today. Almost everyone has come across email fraud with new scams popping up everyday, the list is endless. Promises of crazy rewards or extreme threats; banking details have changed; click on this very convincing link or download this file.

The good news is, you can protect your company, yourself, and your staff.

You can avoid becoming a victim of email fraud.

Be notified when an email comes from another country

Never make a payment to the wrong account

Never let documents get into the wrong hands

Security for Received Email

How will you know if the email you received actually came from a legitimate source?

eLERT – Email Fraud Prevention Assistant

eLERT is email authentication and protection directly inside your Microsoft Outlook that doesn’t interfere with your current workflow. eLERT provides detailed information for verified senders, and warnings to protect you and your staff from clicking malicious links or falling for any impersonation attempts. Advanced options and administrative controls are available for enterprise customers.

eLERT does not alter the way you process your email via Outlook. It is used purely for information purposes.

For enhanced verification of sensitive and confidential email, eLERT has the ability to send an SMS to the originator of the mail requesting that they respond to the SMS. The SMS reply is directed back to your Inbox which you can analyse. This simply adds another level of security to your Outlook communications. 

email security issues graphic

eLERT also makes unsubscribing from unwanted mailing lists easier. For email received from a mailing list, a new “Cancel Subscription” icon is visible immediately to the right of the larger info icon. Clicking this icon allows you to easily unsubscribe from the mailing list. Often, the unsubscribe link is hidden deep within, or at the end of the body of the message, typically in a small font making it “awkward” to find and click. As a result, unwanted Mailing Lists are often not unsubscribed to and continue being sent.

eLert Features

Provides details of the sender including which country the email emanated from, and flags emails determined to be from high risk countries and black listed servers.

Verifies that the sender's domain is valid and all linked email addresses match.

Verifies that email attachments, even those contained within .ZIP and .RAR files are not listed as harmful.

Verifies that the email contains valid routing tables. Routing tables can be further analysed if need be to determine the email route and delivery delays.

Easily forward any suspicious emails in their original format to your support department or ISP for further investigation.

How does eLERT  Prevent Conveyancing Fraud?

eLERT verifies that a sender’s email address is registered in your external database, or optionally, located in your Outlook contacts folder. eLERT looks up the senders email address in the database and if found, will display the relevant information on the eLert panel in your Outlook mailbox. 

eLERT can also cross check information from Conveyancing applications such as GhostConvey and/or LegalSuite. Email senders may have roles assigned to them relating to a matter. This could include, Matter No, Sender Role, File Reference and Property Description etc. If more than one entry is located, a drop down box is available to view all the sender’s roles related to the email.

If however, the sender’s email is not related to a specific matter, but they are registered in the database, all details displayed will be shown in a Green colour.

Security for Sending Email

Are you 100% certain that personal and confidential documents that you send will never land in the wrong hands?

docLOCK –  Document Protection

Password Protecting a Document on a Windows machine isn’t as easy as you might expect. Although premium 3rd Party programs can handle the task with ease, Windows doesn’t offer an out-of-the-box tool for doing so. 

docLOCK easily protects your documents before you send them out, directly from Microsoft Outlook.

What does docLOCK do?

email security solutions protection


I want to give eLERT and docLOCK a trial run.